30th of August – 7th of September 2021.
The International Art Symposium “It Was, It Is and It Will Be. In progress”
In 2021, we returned to the original formula of the Art Symposium, which consisted in a meeting and joint work of artists. The Palace and Park in Morawa once again became a place of creative activities. This time – by proposing the topic In Progress – we wanted to encourage the invited artists to undertake performative activities in conjunction with the creation of material objects. The leading theme of the Symposium was the broadly understood creative process: collecting data, making documentation, focusing on the conscious or intuitive “maturation” of artistic concepts, using moments of illumination/insight or chance.
The symposium was crowned with an exhibition of the created works held in the interiors of the Palace in Morawa and in the surrounding park. The vernissage took the form of a joint walk and, at the same time, a curatorial tour, during which also performative events took place. The situation triggered in this way became a kind of continuation of the processes, actions and confrontations initiated during the Symposium.
The symposium is organised by the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław and is funded by the City of Wrocław.