She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław (1995). In 2015, she earned her PhD for the dissertation titled “Between space, idea and presence. Creative activities towards an open form”, and in 2020 a postdoctoral degree, based on a series of audiovisual installations and activities titled “Transitions. On the way between an idea and an event”. In the years 1997–2002, she was a lecturer at the Wrocław Schools of Photography; Pho Bos, Afa College of Photography. She has cooperated with the Active Culture Society, implementing projects in the field of education and art. She has conducted workshops with youth in therapeutic centers, orphanages, and with disabled youth, in cooperation with the Handicap Foundation. She has run art workshops in Poland and abroad. Currently, she works at her alma mater, running the Intermedia and Photography Studio in the Department of Sculpture and Spatial Activities. She often collaborates with other artists and groups. She has been associated with the WRO festival in Wrocław since its first edition, presenting her installations and films, and with the Entropia Gallery. She is an animator of artistic life and a curator of the annual series of Intermedia Art exhibitions at the “Wrocław Underwater” Festival. Her works are in the collection of the Lower Silesian Society of Fine Arts and in the collection of the Wrocław Contemporary Museum. She has had many individual exhibitions and participated in group and exhibitions in Poland and abroad. She is often invited to international art festivals: “AVE Audio Visueel Experimenteel festival”, the Netherlands, “Media Sheffield Show”, UK, individual exhibition of the Gallery E.W. Creteil Paris, France, and others. She has received the jury’s award at the “Other Media” exhibition at BWA Wrocław.
She is an intermedia artist working for many years in the field of art of ideas, concept, installation space, object, sculpture, drawing, graphics, photography, film, performance and video-art. These activities are often complemented by a theoretical background, actions, speeches depending on the social relations based on interaction and dialogue or in relation to one’s own subjectivity. She creates multi-layered projects containing a creative cognitive experiment, spatial installations, objects featuring film, light, sound, words and meanings. She practices art combining many fields of media and experience. She often creates projects that are open, extended in time, process-related, based on meetings, activities, contact, constructed on many levels. She belongs to an informal group of female artists who carry out exhibition cycles. For several years she was involved in experimental theater and worked in the sphere of performative-movement expression, discovering her potential through movement, improvisation and body in the alternative theater Wrocławska Grupa Działań Teatralnych.